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Staff Members
Dave Sarfaty
Sales Rep
Dave Sarfaty has been with Lindox Siegel for 14 years and in foodservice for almost 40 years. As a former chef and restauranteur, he draws from personal experience to guide equipment and design decisions. Dave lives on the Eastern Shore of Maryland with his wife Maggii and yellow lab, Honey. In his spare time, he enjoys live music, collecting vinyl records, fishing and boating on the Chesapeake.
Susan Benner
Director of Inside Sales
Susan began working with Lindox Siegel 18 years ago, handling inside sales and customer service. As the company has grown, she now supports all outside sales staff including managing inventory in all warehouses. In her spare time, Susan enjoys spending time with her family and outdoor activities
Carrie Nikitas
Inside Equipment Sales & Warranty
Stacy Baldwin
Inside Sales